Tanga Regional Police has detained him Gladness Daniel (18), a resident of the Village of ward Kwekivu Kibirashi basin districts in Tanga on suspicion of her husband cut her hand for what is alleged to be jealous.
Speaking at a session of the state of crime in Tanga thing yesterday joined road safety officers, Tanga Regional Police Commander, Fraisser Kashai, said the incident occurred Thursday at 8 at night when the husband of the wife was asleep.
The absence of Shurua injuries that are Sharif Suleiman (25) who is the keeper's left hand was cut by the ax type weapon and that same night to escape the suspect allegedly went to his aunt who lives in the village of Songe.
He said initial police investigations revealed that the couple were married in Contradiction long and each had accused another for dishonesty.
Commander Kashai said neighbors reported that the daily partners were fighting with each other accuses colleague opposite approach.
Source: Francis Godwin
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